Mi objetivo es lograr que estés a gusto con tu empresa, darle una vuelta a los clásicos indicadores de gestión y proporcionar nuevas métricas de satisfacción. Quiero ser tu aliado, recorrer juntos el camino y lograr hacerte entender que un negocio exitoso comienza por uno mismo. La propuesta inicia como cualquier buena relación debiera comenzar: con una conversación. Te escucho, hablamos del problema, auditamos el caso, estudiamos el proyecto, definimos objetivos, implementamos decisiones y evaluamos resultados para así volver a comenzar.
Fruit Broker Consulting
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I’m Diego Castagnasso

It would be difficult to establish a start in my career as a consultant. Since the beginning of my professional life, I have collaborated with small, medium and large companies as well as independent professionals, sharing my expertise in several fields. This is how, starting in 2012, I decided to formalize my consultancies and offer my services, focusing not only on the business itself, but also on those who are part of it. 

Likewise, I continue in parallel to offer my services as a fruit broker, exporting top quality fruits (especially blueberries) and facilitating the comprehensive management of the process chain that each client requires. This area managed to open doors for me throughout the world and I was thus adding professional integrity and learning, two values ​​that I treasure and attribute to myself.

My goal is to make you feel comfortable with your company, turn the classic management indicators around and provide new satisfaction metrics. I want to be your ally, walk the path together and make you understand that a successful business begins with oneself.

My proposal begins as any good relationship should: understanding who you are as a business and what makes you special. I listen to you, we talk about issues you feel are keypoints, we audit the case, we study the project, we define objectives, we implement decisions and we evaluate results in order to start over.


Listen to you and offer you different solutions according to your opportunities. Accompany you along the way, contributing to your personal and professional development. My work is personalized and tailored to your possibilities.


I intend to be your ally and work together towards a better situation. My goal is to offer you a thourough assesment on the current situation in order to generate actions based on my experience and expertise, which motivate you to move forward and progress.


Accompaniment all the way

Methodicality for the processes

Professional integrity

Generosity to seek the best result

Orientation to personal and professional achievement

I believe in a sustainable future. I provide services that generate environmental impact, maximizing your results and benefiting the planet.


Every company or entrepreneurship needs to unlock obstacles in order to continue advancing. I propose that we talk and find a solución together.


My product or service is good but I need to increase sales.

Team Building

I have to improve teamwork, their confidence and productivity.


I get good sales but I can't see results.


I can't position my product or service. I need visibility and recognition.


I want to be able to define monthly and annual objectives.


I have an idea to improve my business but I can't put it into practice.

Key players

I need to find key players for my growth strategy.


I want my message to reach the right audience.

Osimani y Llerena 465 - CP 50000 Salto, Uruguay.


(.uy) +598 0 94850534 / (.ar) +54 911 50431793

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